Primary data collection complete for community component of Qanuilirpitaa? Nunavik Health Survey

My colleague Marie-Claude Lyonnais (UniversitĂ© Laval) and I have returned from three weeks of additional fieldwork in order to complete a total of nearly three months of primary data collection for the community component of Qanuilirpitaa? Nunavik Health Survey. Our team completed  hundreds of short, structured interviews with resources in each village to understand how different organizations, services, or programs contribute to health and well-being at the community scale. We also completed conversational interviews in each of the 14 communities of Nunavik to understand how Nunavimmiut view and understand community health in their communities.

We are continuing our data analysis and aim to present results to the communities as they become available.

Ivujivik. Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.
Melody Lynch in George River.
Marie-Claude Lyonnais in George River.
An igloo under the northern lights in Pingualuit National Park. Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.
Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.
Building an igloo. Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.
Getting ready to go out on the land. Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.
Aupaluk. Photo by Marie-Claude Lyonnais.

Poster presented at the Second Northern Research Day at McGill

McGill North and the Institut Nordique du QuĂ©bec held the Second Northern Research Day hosted at the McGill Faculty Club and Conference Centre in Montreal on January 24th, 2018. The purpose of the event was to promote  exchanges and strengthen links between students, researchers, and research partners from different fields all working in the North.

The poster I prepared for the event is shown below:

Poster for the Second Northern Research Day at McGill University